Tuesday, May 31, 2011

NYPD Special Victims Division (The Real One)

Fascinating article on the NYPD sex crimes unit investigating the case of Dominique Strauss-Khan's alleged sexual assault on a hotel chambermaid. Not surprisingly, things aren't nearly as glamorous in their grimy, low-tech office as Eliot and Liv's on NBC's Law & Order SVU. One thing that is surprising however, is that the detectives are nearly all men. How do these guys question female victims about sexual assault without avoiding some awkward moments is what I'd like to know. One thing I found disturbing however, is when a Detective (a man of course) says that one thing that raises a red flag that a victim's accusations may be not true is if they ask for a female police officer to speak to. It's as if these guys can't empathize, or put themselves in the mind of a frightened, battered woman who may simply not want to be around a male investigator as she's relaying something as traumatic as a sexual assault. Don't quite understand that line of thinking. I don't think Ellie would either. ;)

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